Build a relationship of trust. I promote space for exploration. I build trust by recognizing each person as a whole human system. I embrace all aspects of one’s humanity, and all the emotions and responses that emerge. I practice engaged neutrality by holding space for them, without bringing interference from my own ego or judgment. By doing no harm, I guarantee and even improve psychological safety by serving others in a supportive relationship built on mutual respect and confidence.
Invite possibility. I shine light on others’ potential. I provide warm encouragement and empowerment in order to call forth awareness of potential. This helps others share and inquire, embrace and reflect. I hold the space they cannot see by asking powerful questions that cultivate curiosity and transcend barriers. With curiosity I provide the antidote for judgment by questioning rather than by jumping to conclusions.
Evoke Action. I elicit incipient action to cultivate change. I serve others on their personal journey of discovery by helping them set and keep clear intentions. This creates momentum and a gradation toward transformation and ownership for change. I provide a challenge and forward focus to cultivate a desire to improve. This provides purposeful commitment and helps ensure that change takes root. It allows others to feel capable and inspired with one step toward better so that they can advance and sustain progress.
Be present. I provide holistic awareness.I practice engaged listening to be authentic and ensure alignment to purpose. I observe, articulate, reframe, reflect, and make distinctions to acknowledge what is happening and lean toward self-awareness and action. I serve as a witness to others as human beings, and respect and process what emerges. I use appropriate listening and intuition to see beyond what others articulate, and maintain a systemic perspective of the whole.
Convey passionate responsibility. I honor the coaching relationship. I fulfill the immense responsibility of the coaching relationship through balance and self-management. I believe in the innate value and potential of all human beings. Everyone is the author of their own journey and must carry their own burdens. I do not manipulate or coerce. I avoid giving advice and honor others’ ability to be resourceful and whole. I recognize that as a coach, I am not a peer. I provide servant leadership, self-awareness and a focus on process in ways that allow others to create and use supportive systems and structures.